Vishal and Keerthy Suresh have starred in two movies together:
Sandakozhi 2 (2018) is a sequel to the 2007 film Sandakozhi.
In the film Vishal plays Balu, a young man who must protect his father and a
young woman from a woman who has sworn vengeance on his entire clan.
Keerthy Suresh plays Kaasi, the young woman who Balu must protect.
Sandakozhi 2 (2018) movie poster Vishal and Keerthy SureshOpens in a new window
Sandakozhi 2 (2018) movie poster,
Vishal and Keerthy Suresh
100 (2022) is a sports drama film about a kabaddi player
who sets out to win the national championship. Vishal plays Anbu,
the kabaddi player, and Keerthy Suresh plays Aadhira,
a doctor who helps Anbu train for the championship. ,
Vishal and Keerthy SureshOpens in a new window
Geth Cinema
Vishal and Keerthi Suresh
Both films were commercial successes,
with Sandakohi 2 grossing over.
Both Vishal and Keerthy Suresh are popular actors in
the Tamil film industry. Vishal is known for his action films,
while Keerthy Suresh is known for her performances in a variety of genres,
including comedy, drama, and romance.
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